Leading M&A Analyst – Kyiv, Ukraine

last updated February 11, 2025 5:44 UTC
Kyivstar, extends the Business Development Office team with M&A Analyst position.
This position is in charge of developing analysis of potential sectors, pre-screening targets for non-organic growth, providing analytical support for M&A transactions and strategic partnerships, preparing presentation materials, pitch decks.
We offer an international experience in a dynamic and challenging environment.
• Develop analysis of potential sectors for non-organic growth and funnel of targets
• Prepare benchmarks and valuation multiples research
• Prepare business cases/ financial models for M&A cases
• Prepare presentation materials, pitch decks
• Analyze transaction risks for potential transaction and develop mitigation measures
• Degree in Finance, Economics, Management received from a reputable university
• At least 3 years of relevant experience in an international company, strategy consulting, telecom, large-scale projects, audit or financial advisory firm
• Strong analytical, strategic and data visualization skills
• Excellent Excel and PowerPoint presentation skills, knowledge of business intelligence tools, SQL is a plus
• Ability to structure and solve complex, ambiguous problems
• Strong interpersonal, and organizational skills, cross-functional cooperation
• Result-oriented with profound understanding of business processes
• Experience and desire to work in a highly dynamic and challenging environment, multitasking
• Experience to challenge on a Senior level
• Ability and desire to learn quickly
• Fluency in English
Детальніше про нас:
Наш кар’єрний блог –> https://medium.com/kyivstar-careers
Останні новини про нас шукайте в LinkedIn –> https://www.linkedin.com/company/kyivstar/
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Робота в Київстар, який входить до Групи компаній VEON, вимагає від нас дотримання високого рівня ділової етики, юридичних зобов’язань, наших цінностей та Кодексу поведінки групи VEON, політик і процедур Київстар. Ми прагнемо бути чесними та відкритими, що вимагає від нас діяти етично, правдиво і сумлінно. Ми розуміємо важливість захисту Ваших Персональних даних та прагнемо використовувати передовий досвід у цьому напрямку. Натиснувши кнопку «Відгукнутися на вакансію», Ви підтверджуєте, що Ви прочитали, зрозуміли та явно погодилися з нашою Політикою конфіденційності.
More about us:
Discover moments of awesomeness and our careers blog –> https://medium.com/kyivstar-careers
For the latest updates follow us on LinkedIn –> https://www.linkedin.com/company/kyivstar/
Working in Kyivstar (VEON Group) demands a high standard of business ethics, adherence to our legal obligations, our values and our Code of Conduct of VEON Group and supporting compliance policies and procedures. We strive to be truthful and transparent, which requires us to act ethically, honestly, and with integrity. We understand the importance of the protection of your Personal Data and are committed to using good practices in how we handle such Data. By clicking on "Apply for this job", you confirm that you have read, understood and explicitly agree to our Applicants Privacy Policy.
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