Our promise to our team, clients & community
WebFX is committed to providing and fostering an inclusive environment where all people, including women, minorities, LGBTQ+ and other underrepresented groups are supported, respected, and encouraged to excel within STEM careers. Our goal as an organization is to empower our team to achieve their personal best, bring people together, and provide equal opportunity to do so regardless of race, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion or political affiliation.
Our differences are welcome here. They are what make us who we are and allow us to learn from each other, gaining new perspectives of the world and each other. At the heart of our mission is the core value: We strive to be 1% better every day. This is something we simply cannot do without each other. As a team that is better together, we want to stand up for inclusivity, compassion and respect for all people.
We don’t just define our core values, they define us.
We treat fellow FXers like family & empower them to achieve their Personal best.
At WebFX, we’re a global team where everyone is encouraged to be fully themselves and to continually strive to achieve their personal best. Our promotions are merit-based to ensure equality. Each department at WebFX has a progression path with clear cut SMART goals at every career level, providing transparency for the team on how they can achieve their next promotion.
Because of our transparency in progression, women make up more than 50% of our leadership positions in the company. This is unfortunately rare for our industry, where only 11% of executive positions in Silicon Valley companies are held by women. We’re proud to be making a positive impact on these statistics with our majority female-led company.
We know this is just a start. We will continue to find new ways to ensure diversity across our team and are committed to maintaining a merit-based and transparent progression system for the betterment of all employees, inclusive of our minority groups.
leadership positions held by women
resources in FXlearns library
bootcamp training program
- TopGrading Hiring Methodology (score-based interviews)
- 50% tech/STEM positions require no previous experience
- Role-based bias training for hiring team
- Standardized training program and transparent progression paths
Ongoing Programs
- FXBuilds Program
- STEM-FX sponsor/creator
- FXCitizen Training Program
- Young Professionals of Color Harrisburg Classroom Sponsor
We lead with solutions
The majority of STEM jobs require candidates to have previous experience, creating a challenge for recent college graduates looking forward to getting a career in their field. At WebFX, 50% of our technology or STEM positions require no prior experience to help level the playing field for women and minorities who may not have been provided prior career opportunities in these fields. We use a TopGrading Hiring methodology where all interviews are score based focused solely on skills and qualities pertaining to the role in which the individual is applying.
There are many enthusiastic new graduates out in the world who are eager and ready to dive right into their STEM careers. We’re confident in our training and leadership to help show them the way as they gain experience in our industry.
We provide standardized career training programs for each of our departments. All new hires undergo our Bootcamp training program. After the completion of Bootcamp, we continue to provide career development training and ongoing professional development opportunities for our team.